Wednesday, June 22, 2011

McDuff & Mr. Chuck

So among other things, we have started into our summer plans. I have tried to have something planned every day (more on that later). Tuesdays are "Teach me Tuesdays", which means it's the day we make our weekly trip to the library.

You never know what you're going to find at the library, and I'm happy to say that I stumbled onto McDuff! I've heard of them before, in fact...we were told (back in the day) when we were at obedience class for Chuck...that he looked just like McDuff. Also let it be noted that Rosemary Wells writes these. Let me help you there, she writes the Max and Ruby books we love so much. She doesn't illustrate these but I love her stories. Oh, and I LOVE these pictures. Yup, these are defiantly a favorite...we'll have to see if there are more stories we can pick up this next week!

Our own little McDuff the Chuck! AHHHHHH......not really! Poor guy, he's seen better days. Yup, I whipped out the ol' clippers last week and failed miserably. Who knew cutting a little wirey dog could be so hard? Even though we totally butchered Chuck, I think he is still my cute little McDuff!!!

Thanks for being a good sport buddy!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

We love McDuff! He is one of our very favorites and we always laugh how he is like Chuck and Gus.